Multiple errors being thrown when trying to add page, save edits, or using composer


I recently just transferred my site to another location and it is throwing multiple errors. My old site is working properly but my new site isn't. All the pages are there but when I want to add a page or look at the composer panel this error is thrown:

{"error":{"type":"Whoops\\Exception\\ErrorException","message":"Call to a member function setPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject() on a non-object","file":"\/home\/afacabca\/public_html\/concrete\/src\/Page\/Type\/Composer\/FormLayoutSetControl.php","line":64,"trace":[{"file":"\/home\/afacabca\/public_html\/concrete\/src\/Page\/Type\/Composer\/FormLayoutSetControl.php","line":64,"function":null,"class":null,"args":[]}]},"errors":["Call to a member function setPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject() on a non-object"]}

this is the line of code:
public function render()
$control = $this->getPageTypeComposerControlObject();

When I want to save the Edit panel this is the error that is thrown:
{"error":{"type":"Whoops\\Exception\\ErrorException","message":"Call to a member function setPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject() on a non-object","file":"\/home\/afacabca\/public_html\/concrete\/src\/Page\/Type\/Composer\/Control\/Control.php","line":185,"trace":[{"file":"\/home\/afacabca\/public_html\/concrete\/src\/Page\/Type\/Composer\/Control\/Control.php","line":185,"function":null,"class":null,"args":[]}]},"errors":["Call to a member function setPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlObject() on a non-object"]}

this is the line of code:
$sets = PageTypeComposerFormLayoutSet::getList($pagetype);
$controls = array();
foreach ($sets as $s) {
$setControls = PageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControl::getList($s);
foreach ($setControls as $sc) {
$cnt = $sc->getPageTypeComposerControlObject();
$controls[] = $cnt;

I have cleared the cache, re-transfer the site, and looked through the database with no luck.

I would really appreciate if someone could help me out! I am so stuck.

Thank you