Editing (v7+)

Error in adding feild "download file" in a Form

I have an error : Class 'Concrete\Block\Form\FileImporter' not found -- version How can I fixed it. In edit mode there is one answer 'no' for question Add downloaded images into set?

Blog Entry Prev/Next nav not visible live

Hi all, Hoping someone has found a trick to solve this....Or enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong. I have a blog set up on a site and have added the Prev/Next nav block to the blog_entry default page. The Prev/Next nav show up while editing …

A Tags Not Working on Interactive Map

Hello, I'm having a problem with adding this code to my html block:   When added and saved, the continent and city values automatically disappear from the WYSIWYG editor and I can't seem to figure out a work around. Does anyone have any thou…

JordanLev's Custom Contact Form - Validation

Hi, I'm using the custom contact form, which is working great, apart from validation. I can see the validation within the php (required etc) but I have included an automatic page change once the form has been submitted. Here is the source code below…

Custom Page List Pagination Item

Hey Guys, I'm trying to customize the pagination of a page list. I want the pagination show custom words and not the numbers of the page. So let's say I order the pages by days. Right now it's showing what I want it to do is: I allrea…

Form submission giving 404 error

Hi, I am getting 404 page not found error on form submission. But when I changed the form block position from global to normal page area it started working. Is this a bug ? I am testing concrete with elemental theme and have enable pretty…

Editing single pages attributes

Hello all! I cannot see the menu for single pages attributes editing in C5 Can you please help me find it? Thank you

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