Blog Entry Prev/Next nav not visible live
Hi all,
Hoping someone has found a trick to solve this....Or enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong.
I have a blog set up on a site and have added the Prev/Next nav block to the blog_entry default page.
The Prev/Next nav show up while editing the default page, but they do not show up on the actual live site.
All I can see is the Up button in the middle that takes you back to the Blog page that lists all of the posts.
While in the default blog_entry page, if I change the next/prev nav to:
Loop - Return to start/end of page sequence
It allows me to only go the very first blog or last blog and I see the next/prev nav. However I am trying to go from one blog to the next in the order that they were posted.
These are the settings I have in place right now:
Titling: Next & Previous labels
Navigation: Arrows Include <and> - checked
Loop: unchecked
System pages: Exclude system pages - checked
Ordering: Order pages by Chronological
Thank you for your help!
Hoping someone has found a trick to solve this....Or enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong.
I have a blog set up on a site and have added the Prev/Next nav block to the blog_entry default page.
The Prev/Next nav show up while editing the default page, but they do not show up on the actual live site.
All I can see is the Up button in the middle that takes you back to the Blog page that lists all of the posts.
While in the default blog_entry page, if I change the next/prev nav to:
Loop - Return to start/end of page sequence
It allows me to only go the very first blog or last blog and I see the next/prev nav. However I am trying to go from one blog to the next in the order that they were posted.
These are the settings I have in place right now:
Titling: Next & Previous labels
Navigation: Arrows Include <and> - checked
Loop: unchecked
System pages: Exclude system pages - checked
Ordering: Order pages by Chronological
Thank you for your help!