Editing single pages attributes

Hello all!

I cannot see the menu for single pages attributes editing in C5

Can you please help me find it?

Thank you

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
In, I can:
- go to the sitemap, click on a single page and select Attributes to edit them
- visit the page and press the gear icon on the left to get to the Page Properties, then click on Attributes.

What happens when you try either of those approaches?
titanve replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, thank you for your help.

When I put the mouse pointer over the gear I only get
http://www.domain.com/index.php# and when I click nothing happens.

I activated the prettry urls, would it have to do with it?

Maybe a JQuery/Bootstrap.JS problem?

Any idea?

Thank you

Atentamente/Best regards

Rafael Mora
Cel/Mob: +58-414-493.31.39
BB Pin: 79F583A5
Twitter @titanve. I'm also on Telegram and Whatsapp
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
That sounds a bit like you have a javascript error on your page that is breaking the interface.
You could look in Chrome's Javascript console for any clues on what is going on.

In the meantime, what about the other approach? If you can't click through to the Dashboard, you could try manually going to the URL /dashboard/sitemap/full
titanve replied on at Permalink Reply
When I monitor the Console I get these errors:

ReferenceError: ConcreteMenu is not defined sitemap.js:1
ReferenceError: ConcretePanelManager is not defined full:219
TypeError: $.cookie is not a function dynatree.js:1
"7:13:1.229 - Dynatree._create(): version='$Version:$', debugLevel=" 2 "."
"7:13:1.233 - Guessing imagePath from '
"7:13:1.234 - Please include jquery.cookie.js to use persistence."

Any clue?

Atentamente/Best regards

Rafael Mora
Cel/Mob: +58-414-493.31.39
BB Pin: 79F583A5
Twitter @titanve. I'm also on Telegram and Whatsapp