Editing (v7+)

sitename logo- another kick at the can

Howdy I have managed to place an image logo instead of site name in header area although it is not site wide. Made a new stack, etc, couldn't figure out how to make it global. I guess I can place it on each page separately... geez. Next question is …

Meta-description and Meta-keywords

Hi all, I try to get different meta-descriptions and meta-keywords for each site as this seems to be important for SEO. Of course I made the specific entries in the page properties parts, but if I have a look to the code in the browser there is no m…

Sometimes can't add new block content.

I played around with few free themes and sometimes I can't add new block content - for example on Grain themes head area. I think it may be something css related, but not sure and haven't figured it out yet.

Trouble With Background Image with Greek Yogurt

So this is what I did. 1. Copy the theme folder to my downloads folder and renamed it to, "greek_yogurt_edited". 2. I edited "typography.css" and edited this: [code]body { height: auto; /* customize_body-background */ background-color: #dff5ff; …

mysql error with the comments for the blog

here is what is showing up on the site when we fill in the form. mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'user_website' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO btGuestBookEntries (bID, cID, uID, user_name, user_email, user_website, commentText, approved) …

Unable to Edit Blocks In Edit Mode

I am not able to click on the blocks to edit them while in edit mode. After logging in as an admin, the edit bar is either not visible or it will say "Editing" but I will be unable to edit anything. How can I fix this?

trouble with different background on other pages

Hi im using the following code in Custom Attributes but not working. works before converting it to C5. style>html { margin:0px; background-image: url(coffs-harbour-physiotherapist/bg1.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-x; } If anyone coul…

Site not shown in Projects

Hi all, My site has a "projects page url", but it is not shown on my account > projects. How can i resolve this? Any help much appreciated.

Trouble with the "Change Page Type" Permission

I'm having trouble with the Change Page Type permission. I've set this permission for a Group of users on a subpage called Accounts. The subpages under Accounts inherit the permissions. Users of the group can change the page type for pages under Acc…

Admin bar for all admin users

Hi, I created another admin user to be able to edit and add pages. Problem: When I login with the default admin account everything works fine, the admin bar is there in place. When I login with another admin account, I can access the dashboar…

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