Editing (v7+)

Links within Fancybox

I'm trying to create an URL link within a fancybox and this is what I have: However, when I click on the link nothing happens. Please help!

Designs edits default

After editing a few blocks in design, after I publish, a lot of the designs revert back to their defaults even when I save the presets. How do I set my designs permanently so they do not default?

adding custom script

Hi, I need to ad a short line of script that someone gave me for an online chat plugin for the site. I'm new to concrete5 and can't seem to find what I am looking for to add the script code. can you help? I tried to see if the blocks might …

Permissions for copied page

Hi, would be pleased if someone would mind offering me some "idiot proof" style help for the following situation - Note please: I am likely the worlds dumbest man and am no coder, but find C5 overall great to use. 1) I have site administrator permissio…

Incorrect layout column width

Hi, It seems that the width of the first and last column of a layout are incorrectly calculated. Attached is an example of the default theme with a 4 column layout and a spacing of 20px. In the site I'm working on it's especially apparent, since I n…

Content Editor not working

When I open a content block in edit mode it brings it up in html (or some programing language I’m not familiar with). The editing toolbar is completely missing. I’ve used it for years but after this last update it is no longer there. I get this message…

Workflow notification for original requestor

Just getting into setting up a workflow, seems to work as expected with one exception. I have a group, "contributors", that can make changes which are approved by "approvers" group. There will be many contributors and I don't want to notify the entire g…

Published Edits never stay

I have been using this website for over a year and one of the biggest problems I have is after editing and publishing, a lot of my designs do not stay. They atually default themselves after a couple of edits. Can anyone help me with this issue?

Error (invalid token) when trying to delete Form Results

My client whant's to clean up the form results and delete some entries. When i go to Dashboard > Form Results and select [View Responses] for one form, and then hit the [Delete] button for one entry i get a "Are you shure" dialog. When hitting [OK]…

Flash Gallery - 2.0 no thumbs

hi, for my website i use Flash gallery to show our realisation. as you can see with the attachment, the thumbnails are not generated. i've tried to flush the cache, but still the same... if you need to see the sourcecode of the webpage, here is t…

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