Editing (v7+)

H2 tag

Hi I've read how important h1 h2 & h3 tags are, but my h2 tag is empty. A 1 - How do I find it and then 2 - how do I put keywords into it please? Belo is the source data for it. I'm not very tech savy, please make answers easy to understand.

Change language in contact forms

Is it possible to change the language of the buttons and instructions captcha on the forms? By default they are in English and I would like to have them in Spanish

Problem with moving pages in sitemap

Since upgrading to C5 I'm not able to move / reorder pages in the sitemap anymore. The following error is thrown: Exception Occurred: /home/abc/some/updates/concrete5.6.2.1_updater/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/adodb-exceptions.inc.php:78 m…

'Home' link doesn't work in autonav

Hi, having some trouble with my website. The 'Home' link on my autonav doesn't work on the main page or any sub-pages. The sub-pages in autonav all work correctly. Is there something I am missing? http://www.matthewevanhavens.com

Exact search for tag possible?

Hi, In the file manager I have a bunch of images tagged with keywords, like "male" and "female", among others. Is it possible to search the exact tag? Right now if I search "male" it returns images tagged as "male" OR "female". Thanks! Joe

Adding a default max-width (and max-height) for TinyMCE > Add images?

The image block is great, and once I found out about how to put default max-width and max-height values on images, I felt very comfortable about telling clients to not worry too much about image sizes. But sometimes images have to be added inline withi…

Help about the bottom

Hi, is there any one who could tell me how i change the informations in the bottom on the site "Built with concrete5 - an open source CMS" If its possible ?

HTML with Amazon Button

I'm trying to use the following code below with the HTML Block but it is not working. Any help or suggestions? var authRequest; OffAmazonPayments.Button("AmazonPayButton", "YOUR_SELLER_ID_HERE", { type: "LwA", useAmazonAddressBook: true, …

Customize Search Bar?

Hey, I was wondering how exactly you can add a custom look to a search bar. If you can do it with the image search add-on, then great, but if not then I suppose the regular search would work. Is there any way to access the coding itself, or is there some …

Possible to color date's in the date picker

Hey all, I've been experimenting with C5 for a while now and i'm building a website where I would like to let people fill in a form and pick a date. However there are only certain dates that I would like to allow for them to choose. So i was thinki…

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