'Home' link doesn't work in autonav

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Hi, having some trouble with my website. The 'Home' link on my autonav doesn't work on the main page or any sub-pages. The sub-pages in autonav all work correctly. Is there something I am missing?


enlil replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
using firefox developer tools you can see that


is covering up part of your navigation, which i believe is hindering the link. Try adding some top margin to the nav and it should come out from behind!!

EDIT: See attached...
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
glad you figured it out!! Looking at it further, it looks like there has been some styling to the headernav area bringing it down into the main content area. If you'd like the logo where it is without messing with your sidebar like it currently does add an image block to the main area for the logo and clear out the headernav area and styling. Then you wont have the issue with the sidebar margin any more ;)