H2 tag

I've read how important h1 h2 & h3 tags are, but my h2 tag is empty. A 1 - How do I find it and then 2 - how do I put keywords into it please? Belo is the source data for it. I'm not very tech savy, please make answers easy to understand.

<h2></h2><br class="clear" />

DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure if I understand the question. But if you are trying to put text into your H2 tag, you want to put it between the opening and closing tags.

So like this:

<h2>My text</h2>
danimal replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi DAkers
I figured that's where it should go, but I don't know 1) how to physically put it in there (I guess there's an HTML button I click on? or 2) what format I should use. Can I literally type anything in there that's useful or could that create bugs? Is there a character limit? Thanks Dan
danimal replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi DAkers,
Yes I have tried doing that, but I don't know HOW to put it there... Can you instruct me please? I've tried all the other advice below and noting works. Cheers
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you currently building a html template for Concrete5?

OR are you inserting content through the Concrete5 Editor?
danimal replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Patrick,
I'm inserting content throught the Concrete5 editor.
globalnerds replied on at Permalink Reply
In the c5 editor, you can highlight word(s) that you want to have as an h1, h2... tag, then one of the drop downs above your text is one that says "paragraph", when you click on it, some of the drop down choices are h1, h2, etc Pick the one you want and then you are good to go.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Just to clarify... H1, H2 tags are just different types of 'headings'. They usually appear on you page as strong, bolded text. Google likes them because it gives them a clue as to what the content of the page is about so for example, if you follow @globalnerds' instructions to add
<h1>Tiger Woods Misses the Cut</h1>

to your page, then Google will use that text as an indication that the paragraph below the heading is about Tiger Woods missing the cut.
globalnerds replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
You have to do it in the content block editor. Take a look at my previous directions and the image with instructions that I am attaching.