Editing (v7+)

Customizing Slideshow

Is it possible to style the slideshow and/or add an overlay div with captions?

Customising themes

I have re-customised my theme but it does not change my site on "activate". How do I implement theme changes to a site under construction using the same theme? Thanks Tony

sitename stack text editing

Howdy- It's my understanding that the width of the text field in the sitename stack is a percentage of the page width, because of the little nav area block at the top right. I have found that the text size is also limited by the default settings in any…

Problem with design style presets for a block

I have applied a custom style preset via "Design" to a block, what works without problems. Now when i want to remove that preset from the block, the dropdown doesn't let me change to "** Custom (No Preset)", and additionally it duplicates the "Save" and "…

Dropdown, remade - with Amiant CSS3 menu

Hello everyone! I have downloaded Amiant CSS3 menu addon, and i've designed my own "dropdown menu" BUT! i'm quite the CSS noob as i'm new to it. So i'm not sure how to implement my dropdown into concrete5 enviroment. Here you can see the pure html a…

Survey form glitch?

It seems there is a glitch; if the user does not select a choice and clicks "vote", there is an error: Warning: Division by zero in /home/xxx/public_html/concrete/blocks/survey/view.php on line 31 Is this normal behavior? Seems like there should be …

Editing on ipad

I've read discussions on editing issues with the ipad; however most are older posts with responses that say newer versions should handle this. I'm using the latest version with Plain Yogurt. MI can get to the page to edit, and I can click on a block to e…

Change wording on registation an login pages

Hi Everybody Does anybody know how to change the wording on the Login / registration pages, in particular after a new user has registered? I need to change this page... http://www.akhter.co.uk/index.php/register/register_success_validate/0/ Is it…

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