Editing (v7+)

How to Show User Profile Number??

I am running a contest which requires users to know their profile number. Short of going to http://www.airsoftmanitoba.com/index.php/profile/ and clicking there own name to see http://www.airsoftmanitoba.com/index.php/profile/##/ and viewing their num…

Block editing "Hangs" with spinning clock

I have a site that is heavy on iframes with lots of Youtube videos. In addition, I have several jquery slide shows and iframed mp3 player elements. I have noticed that whenever I try to edit a block on a page that has any multi-media items installed, …

Editing greyed out, won't do anything...

Hello, I'm very new to Concrete5 and think its going to help me massivly if I can solve this problem. I build sites using Adobe Muse, and export the site layout into Dreamweaver and edit in there. In there I add all the necessary php code for Concre…

Sorting/Filter Gallery Images by Keyword or Tag?

Dearest C5 community, I am trying to set up a Filter navigation bar above a gallery set of images. The images are for a list of furniture inventory that I would like to be able to "Filter" by category (i.e. couches, living room, bedroom, etc). Is there…

Registration email validation stopped working

I set up 10 subdomains with public registration, requiring email validation. They were all working fine, but yesterday they stopped working. I get error messages after the registration page indicatiing that I have trailing white space somewhere. So, I …


I'm having trouble getting my jpegs to appear in site...only x's show up, although when i go to edit the image shows up in the editor, but not on puslished site(s)

Custom form styles

Hi guys, I'm a total concrete5 newbie, I just wanted to know before I get started, using the concrete5 form block, are you able to totally customize the appearance of the form with CSS? Thanks in advance, Paul.


This will not change for me! I found info saying on V5 to go to Dashboard>Stacks&Blocks>Stacks, where I found a stack titled "ss_site_title" and I changed it to my page title, but on the page itself, nothing changed. Help? My page still displays "ss_site_…

File Manager Multiple Upload Not Working

Far out, today there must be some gremlins around :) Trying to upload multiple files in the file manager (just jpegs) using FireFox and Windows. Go to the folder with the images on my PC and is not showing the files to select (or any other images I hav…

Copy and paste

I have just set up a web site using Concretee5 and cannot "copy and paste" from my ordinary files or from my blog site. Does anyone know how to do this please? It would seem straightforward enough but apparently not so. thanks.

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