Block editing "Hangs" with spinning clock

I have a site that is heavy on iframes with lots of Youtube videos. In addition, I have several jquery slide shows and iframed mp3 player elements.

I have noticed that whenever I try to edit a block on a page that has any multi-media items installed, the block edit will "hang" when the save button is activated. Concrete5 does actually save the change, because I can see the spinning logo on the page tab at the top of the browser stop, but the spinning clock on the page remains and keeps me from publishing the page edit. My work-around for this problem is to go my top nav menu and click on another page on the site and then cycle back to the offending page. Doing this releases the spinning clock so that I can publish the page changes. This, I think, is a definite bug in Concrete5. Any php solutions available?

Hanging block edits are REALLY annoying. And, this problem is not just a jquery conflict as I have read on other posts. It happens constantly on pages that have video iframes as well.

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I wouldn't be 100% sure that this is a problem caused be concrete5. It's also possible that some element you're including causes an error which doesn't allow the feedback to get back to concrete5.

Have you tried to analyze this with Firebug? When you open it and check the network register, you sometimes see, that the last call contains an error in the response body.
snowman replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm currently experiencing the same problem.

To work around it, consider trying this:

1. download the /js directory
2. search all files for "edit_block_popup"
3. add ".php" to any calls that are missing it. (ex: in
4. replace the files on the server
5. clear your browser cache
6. retest adding/editing blocks

Here's a link to some additional info that might be related: