
This will not change for me! I found info saying on V5 to go to Dashboard>Stacks&Blocks>Stacks, where I found a stack titled "ss_site_title" and I changed it to my page title, but on the page itself, nothing changed. Help? My page still displays "ss_site_title" on the home page as well as on the title bar of the browser...

pmarques replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

Please login as administrator, go to Dashboard -> System & Settings -> Basics -> Site Name and change that value.

Hope this helps!
kissaroons replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! So is it not possible to use an image as the header?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
It depends on what theme you're using... some of them utilize that "Site Title" stack differently (or some not at all). Is it one of the built-in themes that comes with Concrete5 (and if so, which one)? Or was it from the marketplace (in which case, you should submit a support request to the theme author -- click the "Support" link in the sidebar of the theme's marketplace page).
kissaroons replied on at Permalink Reply
I was just using one of the 4 regular ones. I get the "ease" of use this interface is supposed to do, but honestly, I'd rather write my own template and everything. It's very frustrating when I can't see the entire code.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure which interface you're referring to. But note that you can see all the code for the built-in templates by looking through the files (this is handy to do even if you decide to create your own theme as it will show you how it all needs to be put together):

SITEROOT/concrete/themes/default (this is the "Plain Yogurt" theme)




And you might want to check that there is a block in the "SS_SITE_TITLE" stack that has the name "My_Site_Name" -- click on each block in that stack (in Dashboard -> Stacks & Blocks -> Stacks), and choose 'Custom Template', and make sure one of them has the word "My_Site_Name" in the "Block Name" field. If not, just add a new image block to the stack, choose the image you want to serve as your site header, and then assign that block name to it (again, by clicking on it, chooseing "Custom Template", and entering "My_Site_Name" into the 'Block Name' field).

Hope that helps.