I'm getting the following error message every time I try to update a content block or save my changes - see attached image
It's not a server issue apparently as support could update the content block without any issues. I'm also getting a 503 Se…
How do you change the Title/Logo Link of your site? I made a splash page, so now when the Title/Logo at the top of each page reroutes to the splash page instead of the home landing page. I tried to change it through the global stacks, but it didn't wor…
I have a client complaining about the speed of their site, and the frequency of crashes. They're on a Rackspace cloud server, and I've noticed that some days--there doesn't seem to be any pattern--their site is slow and frequently throws server errors.
I have seen this questioned asked before in this forum, but no one seems to answer. Is there a way to make another page the default homepage? I would like to make the "Blog" page the handing page for my site. So instead of the blog URL being …
in older versions of C5 there was the option to add a custom title to every page in the sitemap. This option seems to have gone. I cannot find it. How can I set a custom title to my pages now?
Thanks for you help!
Hi I have quite a few page types on one of my sites, so to clean things up I separated the header code and placed it into header.php and I used the include code on my template pages - I did the same for the footer.
Now when I go into header.php I can s…
I'm still pretty new to the whole C5 CMS so any help would be appreciated. I'm about to start working on a project that will have a product catalog but NOOOO eCommerce. They just will expand below and contract with more info regarding that produ…
If you're looking to get help with an Add-on or Theme you got out of the marketplace, you can do that from the very same place you got the item in the first place. For example, if you have an eCommerce or Calendar question - go check out the Support tab for each of them.
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