403 Forbidden error message when editing a block


I'm getting the following error message every time I try to update a content block or save my changes - see attached image

It's not a server issue apparently as support could update the content block without any issues. I'm also getting a 503 Service Unavailable when trying to view subpages in the dashboard - see the second snapshot attached.

Can someone help me get to the root of the problem please? This is kind of urgent...



2 Attachments

osu replied on at Permalink Reply
Can anyone please assist with this?

I've noticed that the 403 error appears when trying to add more than a certain amount of HTML to a content block i.e. 253 lines. Never had this before, so could it be to do with a memory setting on the server? i.e. C5 needs a certain amount of memory to save content in a block?
julia replied on at Permalink Reply
These look like errors relating to your hosting setup, possibly the CPU load on the server. In terms of memory required, concrete5 needs:
PHP settings (primarily for file uploads) post_max_upload_filesize = 20, post_max_size = 20, php memory limit to 64
osu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Julia,

Thanks for getting back to me - looks like it was a server issue as they said they changed a mod_security setting and it fixed the issue. They wouldn't tell me more than that, so I assume that was all it was.

