Editing (v7+)

Question about mobile sites

So my site looks great when viewed on a full sized monitor, but not so great on mobile devices. I've seen a few themes that are optimized for mobile viewing, but I was wondering if there's a way so that C5 could detect a mobile device is viewing the si…

z-indexing - flash block over lap - Bring to font

Hi there any one every 1, i am quite new to css coding and concrete i have a small issue. I have craeted a site with a flash banner at top. then using a zoom image plugin i have a picture displayed on a blog page. see below http://e4.cochrane.org.uk/i…

Save User Search

I like the 'Save Search' feature on the File Manager. I need the same functionality on the User Search. How easy would that be to implement?

Private messages error

Pretty weird problem going on with my private message system. When an admin or a user tries to send a message, the error "Woops! You've sent more mail than we can handle..." comes up, but the message sends anyway. So its working, but why the false error m…

Setting up new site

Hi, just trying to use concrete5 for my new site. How do I change the main picture to something I upload? How do I change the titles on the main navigation bar? (i.e. change "Blog" to "Services") Thanks, Josh

Embed Coding

On another site there was an embed button so I could copy and paste the code to have their audio clip played automatically when my home pages is opened but I don't know where to paste the code. I tried simply pasting it to one of the blocks but now I just…

Adding and removing javascript in c5 header

Hi All I have been trying to use this code that I have found in the forums to turn off javascript when c5 is in EditMode [code] [/code] As you can see by the code I have added, it does not work. Am I missing somthing ? The code will say …

someone is logged in

I have a client that is trying to edit a page and she keeps getting a "someone is logged in" pop up and she can't edit the page. Yet I am the only other user on the account and I just checked and made sure that I wasn't logged in? Is there anything else…

Leaving title blank

I am adding a "microsite" to my web site with a different theme than the rest of it, so I don't wish to change anything globally. But I want to get rid of the title. When I do it in Sitewide Settings, by just leaving it blank, when I save it, it reverts…

Adding System Pages to Auto-Nav

Is there a way to add a system page, like Profile, to the auto-nav block. I can't seem to find it. I have reviewed the settings and permissions of the Profile page and checked System Pages in the site map, but it doesn't show up in auto-nav. EDIT: Stil…

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