Leaving title blank

I am adding a "microsite" to my web site with a different theme than the rest of it, so I don't wish to change anything globally. But I want to get rid of the title. When I do it in Sitewide Settings, by just leaving it blank, when I save it, it reverts to "concrete5."

So the question is, How do I get rid of the title on select pages?


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
You will have to edit the code in your theme templates. Which theme are you using?
globalcollegesearch replied on at Permalink Reply
I am using Featuring, the one with the red tab bar across the top. I tried to
download the header.php software to open the header file to make changes, but it
wanted me to sign up for too many products, so I abandoned it. There must be an
easier way...?

From: Concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com>
To: plkrahnke@yahoo.com
Sent: Wed, June 15, 2011 3:12:01 PM
Subject: Leaving title blank: Leaving title blank
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
You just need notepad or something like that,

The sitename is being pulled in from you header so you could just add a space to the site name in the dashboard.

Or download the header.php use open with and choose a notepad/text editor if windows notepad will do it.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
In the templates folder on each page_type,

ie default.php

there is this code
div id="logo">
         <h1><a href="#"><?php  echo SITE?></a></h1>
         <h2><a href="#"><?php echo $c->getCollectionName()?></a></h2>

Remove the <h1><a href="#"><?php echo SITE?></a></h1>or replace with whatever you would like there, then re-upload the file.

You would need an ftp program to do this filezilla is a free nice optionhttp://filezilla-project.org/download.php...
globalcollegesearch replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! Now I've made that change and I've downloaded Filezilla, but I'm
confused about what the Host, Username, Password, Port information is at the
top. Got any ideas what I should put in there? Thanks again!

From: Concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com>
To: plkrahnke@yahoo.com
Sent: Thu, June 16, 2011 7:00:03 AM
Subject: Leaving title blank: Leaving title blank