Editing (v7+)

Disable Login Link

The bottom of my webpage displays the following: "© 2010 ARMAN-G. All rights reserved. Design by c5mix.com. Powered by concrete5 CMS. Login." Is there any way to remove the 'Design by', 'Powered by', and 'Login' text so that it only displays "© 2010…

Cloning Pages or "Save As"

I would like to clone my site and have a duplicate version. Basically I am trying to do a "Save As" on part of the site. What is the best way of doing this?

Unable to edit sections

I'm currently in the process of building 2 sites on C5 and one of them has gone swimmingly and one hasn't! Everything has been done the same, the themes are the only thing that is different, but i'm having trouble editing sections that i've created. …

use fonts with wysiwyg edit text

hi i just start using concrete5 and i love it! it so simple and great! anyway, when i edit text and put text in my site i want the text to be in specific font. i noticed that in the wysiwyg editor there is so little font to use, and i don't know why…

can i make a menu alias?

I am finding it hard to describe the question, so i will give a scenario. i have some top level menu items that open up a kind of landing page, once on that landing page, users can click on a list of sub pages. But other top level menu items I want t…

Missing bg images and code in edit mode

While working on editing a site (I did modify some php files and one sql table, but not the C5 core files), I noticed pieces of the editing options missing in edit mode (random background images and the whole wisywig editor). Look at this screen grab. Cou…

CSS edit problem

Howdy, I'm new to C5 but have grasped the options pretty quicky. I was in the process of editing a css file to change a font for the page I'm editing. When i uploaded the new style sheet via FTP to our server, the page lost alot of its elements. …


Can i not show Design and Custom Templates options to certain users or groups

Ideas for eBook addon – Anyone?

Hi All, I have a client who wants a basic 5 page type site, name, rank and serial number sort of thing but with a link to a 50 page book that people can read online. It has to be easy to read with navigable chapters etc. I'm posting this for idea…

Unhiding Page

I have a page that I had originally hidden and now I want to unhide it. I hid the page by going to the page through the sitemap properties for that page.Under Custom Attributes, I tried to uncheck Exclude from Page List. When I do that and click save, I r…

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