Editing (v7+)

Edit Popup icon location

Hello, Can someone tell me where to find the Edit Popup Box C5 icon. See attached file for clarification. Thanks, Insiston

Creating buttons for Navigating

Hi all, I'm not a developer as you probably guessed, but I'm building a site and cannot seem to find any features on Concrete 5 for giving the Navigation links on the left side of the website a "button like" look? Am I missing something simple? Would real…

Background image

I'm trying to add a background repeat 4x4 pixel to plainyogurt, and plainyogurt900. [code]body { /* customize_background */ background-color: #ffffff; /* customize_background */ background-image: url(images/bg_stripe.png) top left; padding: 0px; margi…

Access Denied after editing global block

Hi, If I edit a global blcok I run into two problems: 1: The changes don't actually appear on the site, but if I go into the block via the backend I can see they have been save. They just don't appear on the pages they are suppossed too. 2: Secon…

Need help with setting up file security?

The site I am building will have a members-only area with some file downloads so I don't want the file downloads to be indexed by search engines. I looked at the robots.txt file that gets installed with c5 and I see that the "files" directory is not list…

Alternate storage directory how to access

I notice in the File Manager there is an Alternate Storage Directory. How do I set the File Manager to actually look in there so that I can see the images in there. IE I've already created the directory and entered the file path and put some images …

logging in for the first time

When I log in using the info sent in the email, it immediately tells me that the page index.php is not available and sends me to Yahoo. I've tried unstalling/reinstalling C5 to no avail.

Question about pages and blocks (I need a shortcut!)

A client has asked me to add a formatted autonav breadcrumb and a graphic horizontal line to the top of every page of a catalog on his site. Being a client, he asked me to do this after I had initially recommended it, he rejected it, and I had built out t…

content block gives white screen

When i try to add or edit a content block, the tiny editor shows for a split second, and immediatly i get a white page in my browser. I'm working on Mac OS 10.5.8, Safari 4.0.4 (Firefox does the same thing), and Concrete5 version: These are …

Why can't I delete a new user group?

I created a usergroup that ran conjointly a blog on rare audio restorations. But I can't seem to kill this group off now that it's not needed. Where's the delete? I hate Recycle bins and such. Is there a simple delete function for this? (I've clear…

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