Alternate storage directory how to access

I notice in the File Manager there is an Alternate Storage Directory.

How do I set the File Manager to actually look in there so that I can see the images in there.

IE I've already created the directory and entered the file path and put some images in there.

Now I want to access them thru the file manager.

okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
You have to set the alternate storage through the file manager, upload files, and store them there.
After uploading a file, click it -> Access & Permissions -> Storage Location (tab) and choose the alternate storage.
mdg replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I've already done that, now how do I see the files in there?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
concrete5 is database based, you have to import them! use the file manager, write a script..
mdg replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry if this still isn't clear but I have used the file manager.

Even though I've set and saved the alternate file path, I'm not getting any option to save anything to the alternate folder.
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
i guess you have to create a folder _incoming in your extern directory and put the files there.
These should then appear when you click upload multiple files at incoming.
mdg replied on at Permalink Reply

perhaps someone could tell me what I'm supposed to see, then we might be able to figure out what the problem is.

I understand that any images have to be uploaded thru the File Manager so that the db recognises them. (SOP)

However, as I've said, at present the File manager isn't giving me any option to save them to an alternate directory when I upload.

The default directory is /usr/local/pem/vhosts/xxx/webspace/httpdocs/files and that works. That's where everything goes when I upload any images.

In the C5 dashboard under File Manager/Access/ File Storage - Alternate Storage Directory there are two fields in which I've put the following:

Location Name: assets

Path: /usr/local/pem/vhosts/xxx/webspace/httpdocs/images

(IE It's identical to the default path except for the new folder name.)

Clicked Save and then went back to the Search tab, clicked Browse selected a image clicked Upload, and as I said it goes straight to the default folder.

Where should I see any option to use the Alternate Storage Directory when I upload?
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, you're right.
There's no option, where the files should get stored.

I made some testing, duplicated a default files directory to assets, made it writeable and added the path to dashboard. Then i dropped some files to assets/incoming, but these do not appear at the file manager, when choosing 'more' to upload.

The problem here is located in concrete/helpers/concrete/file.php
getIncomingDirectoryContents() only checks files/incoming for new files to upload.
It also should check if an DIR_ALTERNATE_FILES_INCOMING exists.

Will check if this could be extended.
mdg replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks synlag,

I was able to figure it out after much suck it and see testing.

I ended up simply renaming the default directory (I'm doing this 'cos I'm migrating a site to C5 and I don't really want to have to rewrite all the image paths in the existing documents.)

Anyway, no dramas there, that all worked.

Interestingly I was able to get the Incoming option working straight away.

I just created the Incoming file in the images directory, uploaded some images to it via ftp, and then used the file manager to add them via the more/Add Incoming option.