15" screen, buttons disappear
I have a 17" screen and if I want to change mywebsite I get on the left the buttons "edit page" and "add page". On the right top I have the buttons "Dashboard", "help" and "sign out"
but if i log in on a 15"screen I only see the three buttons "dashboard, "help" and "sign out" on top of my screen. Where are the other buttons gone too?
but if i log in on a 15"screen I only see the three buttons "dashboard, "help" and "sign out" on top of my screen. Where are the other buttons gone too?

I've just tried this at a bunch of different reolutions and the buttons shouldn't be affected. The only time you should see only the 3 buttons is if the browser was only as wide as the 3 buttons - but that would be rediculous! Maybe it's something else in your setup? What OS and browser are you using on the machine with the 15" screen? And what screen resolution are you running at?
I just find out what I think the problem is. The other computer still runs with Internet explorer 6. Is that possible the issue ?
concrete5 does not support ie6 in editing mode.