3 bugs (2 with content block and 1 with sitemap)

Hello, I'm new to concrete5.
It seems an interesting cms.
But I've noticed 3 things for the moment that seem to be bugs.

When you use "Add a block" and choose Content:
1) If you write something then want to copy and paste it just after , it is pasted on another line (in another paragraph) or if you paste once from another source, the second time you paste it is pasted on another line (even if only one word for instance).
Sometimes it disappears the next times you edit.
2) If you write something very long it doesn't go on the following line, you can have 1 m of words it continues on the same line with a horizontal "scroller" at the bottom of the wysiwyg editor.
And the text in the frontend page is cut.

In the Sitemap, if you add a page nothing of what you write can be copied, like description for instance, if needed.

I am using concrete 5.4.2 on localhost with Ubuntu 10.04 and Firefox 6 (with version 5 it was the same I think).

Thanks in advance for solutions

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi wbbz,
Concrete's content editor is TinyMCE. I believe what you are seeing are limitations/quirks of the Editor more than a C5 bug.

Try changing your format from paragraph to div to help minimize new lines/paragraphs when pasting.
I know regular text wraps, but not text-strings without a space. Your block needs to be wide enough to accommodate the string or you can use a scrollbar add-on from the marketplace.
I edit in Chrome and wasn't able to duplicate your copy problem from the sitemap as it worked well for me.

Hopefully someone pitches in that has more experience customizing TinyMCE to help you out :-)

(edit: just tried copy-paste from sitemap in Firefox without a hitch)
admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Concerning the Sitemap, when you add a page you have to enter The name, a description... What you can't do, apparently, is select the text in these areas to copy it if needed, or to erase all or a part of it quickly (for description for example), unlike with this "Post Reply" message area. Is it due to Javascript, I don't know?

Concerning TinyMCE I already used it with Joomla and lately with CMS MADE SIMPLE, but, if I remember well, never had the problem of the text not willing to go down to the next line normally and continuing on the same line with a horizontal scroller appearing (the text coming after the limit of the width of the wysiwyg editor not showing on the page of the website).

Concerning the copy and paste effect in TinyMCE, I can work around it but it can be disturbing (even if less than the other TinyMCE effect just mentionned before) for end-users.

I am going to install a recent version of Chrome or Chromium - and perhaps of Opera - and see what happens.
admin replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just installed Chromium (Ubuntu 10.04).
Concerning Sitemap > Add a page, no more selection issue using Chromium. Perhaps it happens with the last versions of Firefox... or on Linux...
But concerning TinyMCE, the 2 issues mentioned still exist using Chromium.
I tried several times for the copy/paste issue, sometimes it worked normally, sometimes it didn't, don't know yet if it's aleatory or because something was a little different.
For the no return to the next line issue (more of a problem than the other TinyMCE issue), it's the same.
admin replied on at Permalink Reply
I found the answer via a google search for the last "issue", it's normal behaviour if there is no space in the line of text (it happened when testing the other copy/paste effect, and as there was no space the "bug" appeared). It was not normal that it was appearing suddenly, I thought it was perhaps because of the upgrade of Firefox.
But the 2 other mysteries aren't solved yet.