5.5.1 problem with profile_private_messages_notification_enabled

I built a site and had members set up with both of these attributes active:
"I would like to receive private messages." with the handle of "profile_private_messages_enabled"


"Send me email notifications when I receive a private message." with the handle of "profile_private_messages_notification_enabled"

Once I updated my version of C5 to 5.5.1 the email notification no longer works. Does anyone know why? Does anyone else have this issue? Can some one help me get it working again please?

pakigreenl replied on at Permalink Reply
Well it is working again. However, The from address is root@box302.bluehost.com. Is there a way to make the From address be the email address of the user who sent the message? Can anyone help me do that? I've seen a similar thing on a how-to for the contact form.