Workflow "Waiting for me" has no notifications despite Workflow list being set up properly
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I am setting up my workflow for advanced permissions and am not getting notifications of pending pages for approval. I watched the video and followed the instructions to set up a workflow list and assigned the proper groups and admin user to all fields. I then logged out, signed in as an editor user, modified a page and verified that "Pending Approval" notification at the top, logged back in as admin, went to Waiting for me, yet nothing is there. If I navigate to the page that has been modified but not yet approved, it shows the "Approve Version" button and allows me to approve it. I'm just no being notified via the workflow of a pending approval.

I think you also have to enable the advanced permission mode, have you done that?
yes... it is enabled and has since the beginning. The site is still in production at this point, but I have one user that is able to edit 2 blocks on a specific page. She has no issue getting in and out and after she is done it shows that approval is pending. If I go to that page as the admin, it also shows that it is pending approval and I can approve it at at that point. It just isn't notifying me via the workflow.
I had a similar problem with which I was able to fix by setting the permissions again (basically untick, save, tick and save all the checkboxes again).
Luckily the site I was have issues with was rather small.
Sorry, don't have any other ideas, I guess I'd have to dig into the code..
Luckily the site I was have issues with was rather small.
Sorry, don't have any other ideas, I guess I'd have to dig into the code..
I'll give it a shot and delete cache and see what happens. Thanks.
I not seeing anywhere to untick the permissions. The Advanced Permissions windows simply says that advanced permissions is enabled but it gives me no options to disable/enable it again. Weird
Sorry, I didn't mean the advanced permission, I've meant every single permission. Task permissions, page permissions etc.
got it... I went in, recreated every permission (only once for the pages since they all are set to pull permissions from home page), and noticed that I had not set workflow permissions. I checked the group I created in the workflow list and saved/cleared cache. Logged out, logged in as another user with less permissions, changed something, saved it, saw the on-page pending notification, logged out, logged in as admin, went to "Waiting for me", and nothing... yet again. I can go to the page and approve it just fine. I'm at a loss at this point but thanks for hanging in there and trying to help.
Here's something that may she more light. When I edit a page with another user, I see no button to save or submit for approval after saving a block level change. I only get Discard and Preview as options and DO NOT see submit for approval. Yet, upon Previewing, it says that it is pending approval but is just sending the approval request through the workflow group.
Check the Permissions for the page and make sure you have added your user to the permission called Approve Changes. If I've understood everything correctly, it is needed to give the user the ability the submit changes for approval. Otherwise no messages will be sent to admins. However, even though the user has the "Approve Changes" permission, he/she won't be able to actually publish the changes because of the added Workflow.
Ale, I see where you were going with that but when I enable approve... it did just that and ignored the fact that they are not in the workflow. However, upon watching the video again, it seems that page content changes are not something that can be submitted for approval like a Delete or Permission Change. Is that the case? I am talking about setting it up so if a user changes content at the block level it will then send a message to members of the workflow that there is a change needing approval.
Here's how I did it:
- I Created workflow called Approval.
- In Workflow Access, I added admin to workflow's "Approve or Deny" and "Notify on Entry".
- On the desired page, the permissions are set as following: The user called "sub-admin" has access to Edit Properties, Edit Contents and Approve Changes
- When clicking on Approve Changes permission, the workflow has been activated under Workflow tab to prevent sub-admin to actually publish changes but to send them to workflow.
See attached screenshots. I can't recall making anything else to get the workflow going. When the user(sub-admin) makes some edits to any block on the page, the top left edit-dropdown doesn't say "Publish edits" but something like "send to workflow" (I'm using different locale on the site now). Also, the admin just got a email notification about changes and the page is also listed under "Waiting for me".
- I Created workflow called Approval.
- In Workflow Access, I added admin to workflow's "Approve or Deny" and "Notify on Entry".
- On the desired page, the permissions are set as following: The user called "sub-admin" has access to Edit Properties, Edit Contents and Approve Changes
- When clicking on Approve Changes permission, the workflow has been activated under Workflow tab to prevent sub-admin to actually publish changes but to send them to workflow.
See attached screenshots. I can't recall making anything else to get the workflow going. When the user(sub-admin) makes some edits to any block on the page, the top left edit-dropdown doesn't say "Publish edits" but something like "send to workflow" (I'm using different locale on the site now). Also, the admin just got a email notification about changes and the page is also listed under "Waiting for me".
@Ale - Thanks for the help. This works just great.
barkingtuna, Did you ever get this resolved. I have same symptoms. Content editors only get "Discard My Edits" and "Preview"
There is no save, submit, or workflow buttons.
I'm kinda lost at this point....
There is no save, submit, or workflow buttons.
I'm kinda lost at this point....
Ditto... no resolution either. I just abandoned the effort altogether.
concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
FWIW, I had two groups. Creator and Approver. I could see the workflow button for Approvers, but not Creators. There is little difference between the two, but couldn't see what caused it. I had to make everyone Approvers to get it to work!
Then I couldn't get the "Composer" assess without Admin. Dang!
Now everyone is Admin.
No time to dig deeper.
Then I couldn't get the "Composer" assess without Admin. Dang!
Now everyone is Admin.
No time to dig deeper.
If you want your group to be able to use composer, make sure you have given them permissions to access the composer page (+its childpages) AND the drafts page. If the latter is not allowed, the desired group won't be able to use composer at all.
The gist of most of our issues is not in use but in notification, or lack thereof, when a member of a group changes something. I had the same issues as an admin where when I made a change it notified me that I made a change and then asked whether I wanted to commit the change. The answer should be obvious and that step should not be there. But, I was and still am unable to assign people without admin privileges to a workflow group and then get an email notification when they've changed something. I can see the pending approval notice if I navigate to that page, but I get no notification of the change unless they are an admin themselves which defeats the purpose.
concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
Ale's solution is right. I didn't think it made sense at first, but here's the deal...
Once change approvals are being handled with a workflow, the content editors HAVE TO HAVE APPROVE CHANGES PERMISSION on that page to be able to SUBMIT NEW VERSIONS TO THE WORKFLOW.
Once the content editors are given that permission on the page they are editing, they will see a "Send to Workflow" option when they exit edit mode. Once sent, the notification goes out to the workflow approver, and the approval shows up in the "waiting for me" list.
Once change approvals are being handled with a workflow, the content editors HAVE TO HAVE APPROVE CHANGES PERMISSION on that page to be able to SUBMIT NEW VERSIONS TO THE WORKFLOW.
Once the content editors are given that permission on the page they are editing, they will see a "Send to Workflow" option when they exit edit mode. Once sent, the notification goes out to the workflow approver, and the approval shows up in the "waiting for me" list.
I have a HUGE problem. I need a site to go live RIGHT NOW and I cannot grant access to the site at all. When I click on Site Access it tells me that simple permissions are not available. So then I clicked on Advanced Permissions and it told me that they are enabled, but that is all. I need this site live IMMEDIATELY so if anyone can help me out, I would certainly appreciate it.
Sully210 - Go to your sitemap, click on home, click set permissions. Now make sure you have guests/users able to read on pages you want them to access. When setting up the pages use the option at bottom for sub pages to inherit settings so future pages created have the same permissions as their parent if you have users or editors creating blogs or articles under a page and so on and so forth, screenshot attached. You can also set perms by page type and will want to take a look at the tutorial how to.
Advanced perms tutorial + video herehttp://www.concrete5.org/documentation/how-tos/designers/using-adva...
Advanced perms tutorial + video herehttp://www.concrete5.org/documentation/how-tos/designers/using-adva...
Thanks. Figured it out. Should have reposted. Sorry and thanks again:-)
For anyone with the not so obvious problem, that users can see their pending workflow count on their welcome page but no workflow items on "waiting for me" -> don't forget to set their groups notification setting (Login & Registration / Notification Settings) to 'all subscriptions' or 'workflow notifications'... It took me a while to find out. cheers