a is null error - google map add on

Hi devs.

I am getting "a is null" error after removing a block handle from my theme that I made. it had the map block in this area before removing the handle.. now I get this error on every page even the dashboard e.g. sitemap. I have re-added the handle to my page type and then deleted the map but i still have the error on every page. I am not using a custom template.

i will be using 5.6.1 soon but I'me am half way through the development of this theme and when I attempt to upgrade through the dashboard it says i have the latest version.

I will keep you posted as i am going to do some work on this site on saturday.

here is a bug that has a similar issue:

its like the javascript for the google map is being added to every page of the site for some reason. when it cant find the google map it errors "a is null" if i add the id of the map within a div it fixes the problem on my theme pages but not the dashboard pages.

chris123uk replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok fixed it.

Had to delete the page from sitemap and then delete it out of trash in the sitemap.

I then added a new page using my contact page type.
i then added the map back in but it started to errror againe.
i then deleted the map block and changed the handle to not be a global block.

i then re-re-rebuilt the contact page with new Google map.

i think the problem was that the google map block doesnt like bing in a global area.

any way just happy this error is gone :)