Add color as product choice

i have the ecommerce add-on to sell shoes and added the choice color as text type to let the customer type the desired color. Today the customers choose the color from a dedicated page with our custom colors.
Now i need to improve this kind of color choose. I was thinking on 2 new types of choosing:
1 - a combobox with the color name and the color picture on each combobox list item. The problem is that in product choice the attribute with combobox only permits text and not images.
2 - somewhere in my product detail page, show the list of colors and when the customer clicks on a color, automatically fulfill my product color choice. I dont know how to do this!

See the website here

Did any of you use such a similar case?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
jptsantossilva replied on at Permalink Reply
How could one add images to the select attribute?