"Add Layout" not showing

The "Add Layout" option is not showing when I try to edit Page Types: check attached picture.

I need some blocks to be splited since in Greek Yogurt they are site wide.

Am I missing something?!

1 Attachment

pmarques replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

Unfortunately it isn't possible to define layout on page type defaults. There has been some discussion about this, and Jordan made some custom code trying to solve this problem:

BUT - you don't really need that, unless it's a very special case in which you want the final user to be able to change those layouts. If that's not the case, you just need to split that area on your template (default.php or right_sidebar.php, for example - if there's a file with the same name as the page type handle, that's the file you want to change). Just find the place where the editable area you want is being defined and put it inside a table with two td's or use 2 div's + CSS.
pdcouto replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

I could do just that but I can't find the editable area. Firebug delivers this on the header:

<div id="main-container" class="container_24">

On left_sidebar.php there is:

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$this->inc('elements/header.php'); ?>
   <div class="clear"></div>
   <div id="left-sidebar-container" class="grid_8">
      <div id="left-sidebar-inner">
         $a = new Area('Sidebar');
   <div id="main-content-container" class="grid_16">
      <div id="main-content-inner">

So this seems all related to 960_24_col.css wich is the strangest CSS file I've seen.

Don't know what to do.
pmarques replied on at Permalink Reply

You'll probably find the editable area you're looking for in the file elements/header.php.