Add rel="nofollow" to your pagination links having problem placing code snippet into correct part of php/html code.
I am attempting to add the above to my
class PaginationHelper extends Concrete5_Helper_Pagination
now I have successfully copied my pagination.php into my root/helpers/pagination.php
i have successfully changed the name to:
class PaginationHelper.php where it now extends Concrete5_Helper_Pagination
the code i am wanting to place is:
[(code)] $this->getJSFunctionCall($i+1)." rel=\"nofolllow\">" {/code]
now this chunk of code goes after the final else clause
Right after we run "getJSFunctionCall", we'll just tack our attribute in before the end of the opening anchor tag:
here is the final chunk of code:
I am a little confused and not certain when i read everything above, where the first snippet of code should be placed to make this all work properly.
if someone has done this code work, could you please help and indicated where to place.
class PaginationHelper extends Concrete5_Helper_Pagination
now I have successfully copied my pagination.php into my root/helpers/pagination.php
i have successfully changed the name to:
class PaginationHelper.php where it now extends Concrete5_Helper_Pagination
the code i am wanting to place is:
[(code)] $this->getJSFunctionCall($i+1)." rel=\"nofolllow\">" {/code]
now this chunk of code goes after the final else clause
Right after we run "getJSFunctionCall", we'll just tack our attribute in before the end of the opening anchor tag:
here is the final chunk of code:
} public function getJSFunctionCall($pageNum){ if(!$this->jsFunctionCall) return ''; return ' onclick="return '.$this->jsFunctionCall.'(this,'.$pageNum.');"'; } }
I am a little confused and not certain when i read everything above, where the first snippet of code should be placed to make this all work properly.
if someone has done this code work, could you please help and indicated where to place.