Adding a flip book to a block in the body of the homepage

Hi. I have created a flip book using FlippingBook HTML Edition, and I would like to add it to my website. I have uploaded my flip book's files (an html and css file, multiple js files, multiple swf files) to my concret5 file manager. So how do I get all of those files, or create just one file, into my homepage? Is there a special kind of block that I need to do this? I've tried the Flash block; I've tried the File block; I've tried the HTML block; but each of these blocks allow only one file, not a set of files. Any suggestions? Thanks ahead of time.

guythomas replied on at Permalink Reply
Integrating a external feature that includes multiple html/ flash, and JS files is not going to be easy.

Your best bet, will be to log into your web host control panel (not concrete5) and upload the files into acreated directory. Get everything working there outside of C5. Then add a link in your sitemap to an "External link" and point that to your flipbook.

This will allow your flipbook to be included in navigation and pagelists. This will not integrate your flipbook into your C5 theme though, which is probably what you want.

Integrating further that what I described is going to take quite a bit of Concrete5 know-how. Probably using a single page to display the data.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

smallgoodthing replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Guy. Thanks for the reply. You're right, it wasn't easy. Here's what's working for me, for those with a similar task:

1. Upload all of the Flipping Book files to my Concrete5 dashboard file manager.
2. Create sets to match the dependencies
3. After uploading, take note each of the files URLs and then change the paths of each of the dependencies to the URLS of the respective files.
a. this may result in anger and in having to replace some or all of the uploaded files, depending on their dependencies and whether the paths are still correct after uploading them.
4. Add the multi-file attribute, an add-on from the concrete5 community which can be found at as a custom attribute at my home page.
5. Using the multi-file attribute, once all of the paths are confirmed as correct, add all of the files from my Concrete5 file manager to my home page.

This explanation is about as confusing as the process itself. My bad. Getting this done, especially configuring the paths, is a pain in the flipping neck.