Adding a folder
How do I add a folder like home, about, or search to the site? I thought I could do it by creating a page, but that does not work. My daughter has a site that she created in wix and is remote ftp'd to our site. She wants to be able to click on it and it brings it up on it's own page. I searched the Welcome, read me first for the solution, but did not see an answer. Thank you.
I figured out how to get it to show on the main site, but when I click on it it does not open up. When I'm in edit mode, I can click on visit and it opens it up. When I log out and then try to go there, it opens up another page with the current theme & header and not the external url. How do I correct this?
I'm not real clear on what your are trying to accomplish, but I'll take a stab at it :) Are you trying to integrate c5 and wix (i'm not familiar with)?
If your wanting to add a menu option that will take you to a differnt site/sub site, you can go to the dashboard under site map, click on the home and add external link option.
Here is what I am trying to do. I have a the home, about, search, and millajsupdatez appearing on the site (picture attached). I set the external on the page. However, when you click on the millajsupdatez, it does not open up the webpage. It just opens up another page within C5 titled millajsupdatz. Right now the canonical url is It should actually poin How do I do that?
Ok, I think I got it. You want the auto-navbar menu to link to an external link. I'm not sure the best way to do it. Would wizardontherun's answer work for you? If not I bet one of the "Guru's" here will offer a wonderful solution.
I had tried what Wizard suggested, but as you can see it is not quite working.
Did you remove the c5 millamjsupdatez page first? Try deleting both the page and the reference in site map. Then recreate the site map link. Maybe c5 is getting the two confused. You may also want to clear your cache :)
If I delete the page, where do I put the site map link? I had set it on the C5 millajs-updatez.
if your site is "" and and when you ftp into the site you are at the root of the concret5 install. then you created a folder called "subsite" and place all the other site files into it. the URL should be ""
when you go into the sitemap area in the dashboard. click on the home and add external link you would give a title (will apear on the menu) and the URL "" make sure the "http://" is in the begining of the line. Depending on your server you may have to add the default page to the end like "" or what ever it is named.
good luck
when you go into the sitemap area in the dashboard. click on the home and add external link you would give a title (will apear on the menu) and the URL "" make sure the "http://" is in the begining of the line. Depending on your server you may have to add the default page to the end like "" or what ever it is named.
good luck
As Henry David Thoreau famously said, "simplify, simplify, simplify". Not a popular philosophy in the computer world. It's a small site you have made. Just make an external link to the page you want. Forget about having it work within the autonav or listed inside the auto or creating a new page. It's an external link to another site, it is not a new page. Put the link along side or below the other autonav buttons and give it the same class styles. No one will know or care if it is a part of the autonav or not. To do this: start a new content block, type in the name of the page, highlight it, link it, have it open up a new page, and you are good to go.
Um, there's an easier way. Go to your sitemap in the dashboard, click the page you want the link "under", then click 'Add External Link'.
If you click the Home page, the link will be on the same level as the rest of your main links. If you click the About link, it will be under that.
For the original post, the folders appear automatically when you make pages under other pages. Say you make a page under the Home page called 'Foo'. It appears by itself. Then you go to the Foo page, click Add Page and make one called 'Bar'. When you go back to the sitemap Foo will now be a folder (and a page at the same time), Bar will be under it.
If you click the Home page, the link will be on the same level as the rest of your main links. If you click the About link, it will be under that.
For the original post, the folders appear automatically when you make pages under other pages. Say you make a page under the Home page called 'Foo'. It appears by itself. Then you go to the Foo page, click Add Page and make one called 'Bar'. When you go back to the sitemap Foo will now be a folder (and a page at the same time), Bar will be under it.
You are right hb, that is simpler. I forgot about that feature in C5. Thoreau would be proud.