Adding Google Click Tracking code to all file_download links

I want to add the Google click-tracking code to the file links that my users add through the content editor. I could teach them how to add it manually, but they are numpties and it'd be much easier if I could find a way to add it for them automatically, thus changing links that look like this:
<a href="">my_file_name.pdf</a>
into links that look like this:
<a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'PDF Download', 'Download', 'Download of file - my_file_name.pdf']);">my_file_name.pdf</a>

Any ideas how I could do this?

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you could build a simple package with an on_start method and simple call addHeaderItem to run a small JavaScript code to add the onclick attribute.

Are you familiar with building packages?
webchris replied on at Permalink Reply
Another solution is to use Google Tag Manager and assign a class or ID to the link that tag-manager can pick up.