Adding Logo to Site Name

I added a logo to the Site Name by going to Stacks/ Global area/ Site Name.
It's there ( I can see it) on the right side of the website name.
And i have approved the changes.

However, I can not see it on my website:
I tried to move it to the middle - the same result - its invisible on the website.

Any help?

1 Attachment

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
This is a site that looks like it's using the dark_chocolate theme.

Looking at the code for that theme as it is by default looks like it uses a block named "My_Site_Name" for that area and if no such block exists it just outputs the Site Name.

Can you check and see if the block in your stack has that name? You should be able to check by clicking on it and going to Custom Template.
Tato replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
The block in my stack has a name "Site Name", see attachment
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Not the name of the stack, that has nothing to do with anything. What is the Block Name?
Tato replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
please check the attachemnt
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
So in that space add My_Site_Name and it should use that block in the area you want it to.
Tato replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
now I can see the logo; but its too far away from the text - see attachment 1.
and i can't correct it - i dont see it: att. 2
Tato replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
now i can see the logo;
but its located in the wrong position: see att.1

and I want to have it on the edge of the right side about Contact Us.
How practically to do it?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not able to see it as a guest so I can't help much.
Tato replied on at Permalink Reply
its a pity.

do you need a "star" from my side for the advices, etc?