Adding Multiple Users to a Group at once

Didn't find any information on this specific request with a search.

Is there a way to add multiple users to a group at once? It would be nice if the check-marks next to users in the UserSearch page included an add to group (in addition to the edit properties).

Anyone know how I could easily impliment this if I wanted to add it?

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
if you want to add this to the drop down it's probably going to take some time, especially if you haven't done some core hacking yet.

If you want to put this in your own script/controller/block it's quite easy. Just have a look at this page

There you can find all methods you'll need
BAC replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for pointing me to in the right direction!
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you find a solution to this? I'm trying to import 450 users and the prospect of going through each one and setting their group(s) is pretty horrible...
tecnolord replied on at Permalink Reply
is there no add-on thing to do this?
I love to watch code, but i am i now way able to use it.
a module with some good usermanagement would be great.
also a module that enables a user to add a code to be auto-included into a (set of) groups at registration.
APBCadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
Still no way to do this?

I have 120 users I need to move into a group... Dreading having to do this one by one.
bbeng89 replied on at Permalink Reply
You can easily do this now. You just check the box next to all of the users you want to add to the group, then in the top dropdown that says "WITH SELECTED" choose "Add to group".

I'm not sure in what version this feature added but most modern versions should have it. Just checked on and it works fine.
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
It would be really nice if as a user joins the site, they would automatically be assigned to the specified group.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
There's a free add-on called 'Registrant Group' that adds this capability: