Adding Pages to Navigation

Hi, I have a question about how pages are added to the navigation. It seems that the only way to reliably get new pages to show in the navigation is for an admin to view the pages' properties.
We would like to have editors be able to create pages and have them automatically displayed in the navigation. The editors will be able to create/edit pages but not publish them. Are there some settings or permissions we are forgetting to set?
We are running Concrete5 5.6.1 I have searched your forums and Google to no avail -- I could have missed something, though.
Thank you for your help.

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Have turned on advanced permissions?

Give this section a read through:

Plus if your using 5.6.1, you could look at 'workflow':
ETBUadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the links; we will definitely be looking into workflows. We have also turned on advanced permissions.

After poking around some more, it looks like pages only appear in the navigation after they have been approved. There is not really a 'sandbox'/'live site' dichotomy. Am I correct in this? I noticed that by saving the properties of a page, the page was automatically approved since I had not checked it out for editing.

Is there not a way for a new, unapproved page to appear in a logged in user's navigation without it needing to be published? I would like for the user to be able to easily get back to a page if they need to. Will they need to use the sitemap under the dashboard?

Thanks again.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Again with 'AP' you can set who can view pages.

So pages that are waiting to made live will not be available to the public, but can be viewed by whoever you choose.

Whether that is a group or a particular person.

Hope that helps.

ETBUadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks again for your help. Our users can view their pages with no problem without them being on the live site. However, the navigation in the 'sandbox' doesn't add a page that hasn't been published on the live site until it has either been published or the properties have been reviewed and saved by an admin. They could still access the page through the full sitemap in the dashboard, but we are trying to avoid giving our content creators dashboard access.