Adding plain shadowed boxes with the view to adding text over the top of them

Hi Everyone

I have been using a drag and drop web design software for years but realise that that cant go on. I cant write code so my skills are very basic. Quite happy to purchase themes and ad on's to make my life easier.

This website was built with concrete 5

and if you see where the main body of text is you will notice that it is placed over a white box with a drop shadow. I cant find info anywhere on how I can add a shadowed box like this to my web page with the view to adding text over the top just like the above example

With drag and drop this is easy as you can place images and text boxes anywhere on your web page.

Can anyone enlighten me please?



enlil replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You could accomplish this by adding a content block. Then click the block and click design. Add background color and then click on CSS and add some code from the example here:

Hope this helps!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Or in the future I suspect content block templates with drop shadows could be added to @enlil's enlil_transparent_content addon (currently in the prb), or another follow up addon along similar lines :)

(link won't work until approved by prb)

Forgot to mention, you can also get drop shadows with some of the templates in Formigo Containers.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Already processing the idea john! I wanted to respond that I could throw a package together to assist but wanted to provide a relevant "right now" solution!
samlibs replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Enlil & John

Thanks for replying to my thread.

I know that I am going to have to familiarise myself with CSS even if its only the basics. There are 1000's like me that install and then uninstall platforms like C5, Wordpress etc just because they are so alien to the drag and drop web design software that us novices have to initially use and then refuse to give up.

Ive spent hours going through all the Add On's and only found the Formigo Containers which seemed to offer a solution to what I wanted. I did not need it right now I just wanted to make sure that certain things could be achieved easily with my skill level before I start to use C5 completely.

There are some great add ons available in the market place but drag and droppers like me need to be able to achieve the basics first otherwise they just uninstall the software and go back to what they are used to.

Inserting an image and then inserting a text box and placing it over that image is a basic function in drag and drop. With platforms like C5 the same function seems to be so difficult or should I say not so straight forward.

I reckon if the guys that make the ad ons and themes put themselves in the mind set of the drag and dropper and catered for them functionality wise then so many more like me would see that there was hope and stick with it.

I cant see that type of box shadow available with Formigo Containers which is a shame as it seems as though its one of the most popular.

Thanks guys for all your input

You will no doubt see me on here a lot as I try to progress

Thanks again
