Adding RSS to Main Blog Page

Almost got my site finished [at least to launch]. Surprisingly, the one thing that's, for some reason is finally bugging me, is something as "easy" as adding the Blog and particularly the RSS feed. Have tried multiple times with no luck. Is there please an easy to follow doc or video which sets out the RSS addition function, please?

Thanks in advance.

mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a 'Blog' page type in your theme? (Not 'Blog Entry', just 'Blog')

If so, there should be a sidebar area where you can add a 'Page List' block. The RSS option is in the Page List setup.

Not much of a 'how-to' but it might get you going in the right direction.
Robmr replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, will have a look and come back if I have any trouble. Thanks again.