Adjusting Title Tags and Meta Descriptions under Properties is not working

Hi, I'm doing some SEO work for a client and when I change the title tags and meta-descriptions under properties it has no effect.

When I view the source code of the page, my title and meta tags show up under the original set.

Is there another location in the CMS that overrides the title and meta description tags in "properties" that I am missing?

I searched everywhere, and could not find a thing.


cainKuri replied on at Permalink Reply
In Dashboard - System & Settings
Did you try the BULK SEO UPDATER ?

and maybe you can clear your cache of your browser ?
cainKuri replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I forgot to attatch
SEOStrategist replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I already tried clearing the cache to no avail.

For some reason the Bulk SEO Updater is unavailable for this site.

See the attached screen capture.