Advanced File permissions on single files

Hello C5,

I have a site with three user-groups 'Administrators', 'Family' and the default group 'guests'. If I set view-permissions on a particular image to 'Administrators' and 'Family', the image also disappears from the group 'Family'. Disabled all forms of cache, tried everything, no luck. Any ideas?

I have a modified slideshow block, the loop code is:
foreach($images as $imgInfo) {
 $f = File::getByID($imgInfo['fID']);
 $fp = new Permissions($f);
 $larger = $ih->getThumbnail($f, 800, 9999, false);
 if ($fp->canViewFile()) { ?>
  <img src="<?php echo $larger->src?>" width="<?php echo $larger->width?>" height="<?php echo $larger->height?>" alt="<?php echo $f->getTitle()?>" />

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Be sure that you've Set permissions to exclusively NOT allow guests to view. Simply setting the two groups to view does not necessarily exclude the guest group ;)
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Enlil,

Thank you for your answer! I tried that as well, no luck... even if I set it on a user instead of a group. I'll look into the slideshow controller in the core.

Attached a screenshot, but the image also disappears for a family member.
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
Strange... This should definitely work as aspected... I really need it to work, because it's the essential functionality of the site I'm working on.

This is frustrating, we were about to launch the site...
Cannot proceed now. Does anybody know how to fix this??

nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Are the members of the family group in the guest group as well?
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Enlil,

I believe so, because everybody is a 'guest'?
I don't see how you can remove the group 'guests' from a user?

Looks like this:

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Dashboard > Search Users. Find each user and uncheck "guests" group if they are in it ;) Then family members should be able to see it because they are not a "guest" any longer.
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Yes, that would be as aspected. But the group 'guests' don't appear here.