advanced navigation
Hi. I'm trying out concrete5 but I can't figure out how to have two seperate navs. In Joomla I can just create module positions and then assign menu's to each position and choose which buttons it will have. From what i'm seeing in concrete5 I can either have an auto-nav which I have really no control over what it displays or having to hand type each page navigation by hand as an HTML block. Is there any simple way for me to have a nav block but add links individually through the interface?
think of the backend as the "block" when reading the prior suggestion. Just like with Joomla modules where you have to assign the module to the page, in then case you're assigning the page to the module and it's attributes. If anything in time it will be easier - remember how an "article" it Joomla could be a link in the menu but from the article veiw you really couldn't see how that page related to the menu / site? Now you can.
1) Add it to where you would like it to display on your site.
2) Set it to display only "featured" pages.
3) Now in the dashboard go to your site map and select a page that you would like to display in this list.
4) Select "properties" then "custom attributes" then add the attribute "is featured" then click save.
5) Do this for any other page that you want to display in this list.
You can also add this attribute to any page from the front end of your site under "properties" then "custom attributes" in the header when in edit mode. This is an alternative way of adding it. Just be sure to publish your edits after saving the changes for the setting to take effect.
Hope this helps.