Advanced permissions - Add Page results in 404 not found

hello community,

i'm new to concrete5 and i'm trying to set up permissions on my test site. Currently i'm using the elemental theme and concrete 5.7.3.

I've turned on advanced permissions. I created a new user group "moderator" and a new user. I put the user in group "moderator".

The created User group should be able to add new blog entries, so i gave him the permission on the Blog site to edit it and to add new sub-pages. Additionally i added Permissions on the page type.

I switched the user and tried to add a new blog entry, but i got a 404 page not found.

Does someone know what's the problem?

dan1991 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ever find a solution to this? I'm having a similar problem
dan1991 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ever find a solution to this? I'm having a similar problem
andywanted replied on at Permalink Reply 4 Attachments
Well somehow i found a solution for my problem. Probably it will help you too.

First I went to the Full Sitemap.
On the bottom left side i found a check box "Include System Pages in Sitemap". After checking the box you will se more pages on the tree.

Than i went to the Drafts and clicked on Permissions.
There i could set the Permissions for the Drafts to manual and added the moderator.

After that the Problem was solved
dan1991 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah I found that out eventually by trawling the forums. Seems a bit hard to find.