Advanced Permissions: Only show one dashboard page to user? (Best practise)

Hey C5-Folks!

I'm sorry if that question was asked before, but I couldn't find the right thread.

The goal today was to let a user group called "editors" have access to the Dashboard Page "form results". I got it working, but I think the workflow was ugly, because what I did the following:

1) Changing dashboard page permissions to "read" for editor-group
2) Changing all sub-pages (except "Reports"-Page) of dashboard so that editor-group can't read (because the pages inherit from dashboard-page) [Manually]
3) Changing the sub-pages of "Reports" (except "form results") to non-read for editor-group [Manually]

I think that is a little bit ugly because further changes to dashboard won't be submitted to dashboard-child-pages (e.g. if I add another group to dashboard).

Is there a way to only give editor-group permissions to "form results"-page and Dashboard-Content is still shown? (I tried only giving read-access to form-results-page, but then Dashboard-Icon is not there)

Thanks in advance!

programmieraffe replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, I just saw that improvements on advanced permissions are adressed in the next concrete5 release: