after upgrade editing blocks loading graphic never stops
After i upgraded to the latest version I am not able to edit blocks. I edit, hit update, and the loading graphic spins forever. I can close the windows and the loading graphic stays. I have to actually exit editing mode to get it to stop, at which point i can see that my edits have actually been saved. what gives, anyone seen this?
where are the error logs? are you referring to the server logs, or does concrete have its own?
I tried changing permissions to no effect. I have reproduced it and can conclude that it is directly a result of the upgrade. I have found the owner and group being apache:apache on concrete created files/folders, changing these to the owner had no effect either.
It has to be something in the */updates/concrete5.4.2.1/ correct? An update does not change anything else - am I right?
I tried changing permissions to no effect. I have reproduced it and can conclude that it is directly a result of the upgrade. I have found the owner and group being apache:apache on concrete created files/folders, changing these to the owner had no effect either.
It has to be something in the */updates/concrete5.4.2.1/ correct? An update does not change anything else - am I right?
Did you ever get this fixed? I am having the same problem with Concrete 5.5... The server is returning an internal error 500 when concrete tries to load edit_block_popup.php when I click to edit any block. The funny part is that it was working fine for quite some time and then broke seemingly out of the blue. I'd appreciate any advice if you were able to fix this!
I was not, I eventually just decided not to upgrade. This being a clients site I just could not get away with the errors. It almost certainly is a permissions issue, though - possible ownership. I know that I had issues similar to this with wordpress 3 when i upgraded it for another client, apparently that issue wouldn't allow wordpress to make folders - a permission issue with suPHP and wordpress. I cant help but wonder if this is along the same vein. Regardless, no solution as of yet. With concrete's anemic help and community, I don't see it being fixed. Let me know if you figure it out on your own.
Check in your file directory (server, not Concrete5 dashboard) and ensure that the packages, files and config folders are set to '777'. Also, check in the files folder to see that tmp, cache and trash are all at '777' as I've seen these revert on me before.
With the tmp, cache and trash folders, I've had to recreate them, set permissions, copy the content from old to new and delete the originals. I'm not sure why, but I've seen this happen on a few of my sites in C-panel and recreating seems to be the only way to fix it.
Also, check the error logs for clues as to what is happening.