all sub-pages suddenly not found - "No page could be found at this address."

I'm hoping to resolve an issue for a friend regarding her concrete5 site - she claims that all pages beyond the home page are suddenly not showing up, and that it just happened one day.

I've looked around at the htaccess file and don't see anything out of place, thought maybe there was an update recently that might be causing the issue? When i login to concrete, the content is there but just doesn't show up live.

any suggestions?

mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Is the site hosted on GoDaddy?

If so, I would suggest moving the site to a different host. Searching for 'GoDaddy problems" on this site will show a huge number of issues that will frustrate the bejeezes out of you.

Also read the comments here:
boopie replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, it is *facepalm* thanks for the heads up - will take a look at those threads, but maybe just start w/new hosting!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
You can sometimes get the site back up by turning off Pretty URLs but that is easier said than done because you often can't log in anymore either. You can try going into the database through the Host's cPanel and opening phpMyAdmin and looking for the 'Config' table and setting the cfValue for URL_REWRITING to 0 . See attached.

My favorite hosts (in order):