Allow user to Edit/Change their Username
I have a church website that is setup for members and an online directory. I assigned them usernames according to their last name. Well I misspelled one. How do I add the username to the options to update on the edit profile page? they can change their Password and I want to allow them to change their UName. Can anyone help me. I can't just go to the user attributes and set it to be editable in profile like the other user attributes. Help this is really needed. Thanks for any help.

Does anyone know if this item was ever addressed? We have the same issue and would like to know if it's possible to allow members to change their username or if there's a way to do it by admins through the dashboard. Any info is appreciated. Thank you.
> We have the same issue and would like to know if it's possible to
> allow members to change their username
I don't think there's a way to do it out of the box, but you could certainly code a solution.
> or if there's a way to do it by admins through the dashboard.
Just edit the user.
> allow members to change their username
I don't think there's a way to do it out of the box, but you could certainly code a solution.
> or if there's a way to do it by admins through the dashboard.
Just edit the user.
Yeah, the only thing I ever found out was that the admin had to change it. The user is not able to. And I have not heard of anybody making a coding solution to alter that.
I would like to see this also.
I have a multi-level member site where I am only capturing first name and email address to start with, (email for login checked in dashboard) and then capturing more information when they pay.
In the paid areas of the website, there are addons like the guestbook that display the username, so ideally I would like to allow users to create a username at this second stage and have the username replace the one originally created when they joined.
The other option is to replace the use of the username in the guestbook and other functions displaying the username, but the above would be ideal.
I have a multi-level member site where I am only capturing first name and email address to start with, (email for login checked in dashboard) and then capturing more information when they pay.
In the paid areas of the website, there are addons like the guestbook that display the username, so ideally I would like to allow users to create a username at this second stage and have the username replace the one originally created when they joined.
The other option is to replace the use of the username in the guestbook and other functions displaying the username, but the above would be ideal.
If they could just make is so the user search displays the edit button for the user when he is viewing only his account. This would be nice. If I have time I will write something and post it.