Allowing users to change their passwords?

I am unable to figure out what users need permission to so that they may change their passwords.

Thank you in advance.

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Your users should already be able to change them by going to their profile and "editing" it.
hvhavel replied on at Permalink Reply
I wish it were that easy. Is there some sort of permission for said profile option? The only way I can figure out for users to see the profile option is to view the "Full Sitemap" - and I've opened View and View Page in Sitemap to a bunch of different variations, including Guest! with no avail. The users get you don't have permission message whenever they attempt to view the Sitemap.

I appreciate the assistance
mhawke replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You don't want users messing with the sitemap.

Have you turned on 'Public Profiles' in Dashboard->System and Settings->Public Profiles ?

This should create a 'system' page called 'Members' in your site that contains an 'Edit' link for members to change their profile information including their password. To find this new Members page, you need to flip on the 'system pages' under the Options tab on the Sitemap dashboard page.

I hope that makes sense. It's been a while since I've activated a Members page in a new installation.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Err.. Forgot Password box on the login page??
hvhavel replied on at Permalink Reply
Bingo. That is what I was missing!

Thank you for all of your help.