"Display: none;" CSS command. Problem with jQpopup and all IE6 browsers

I am using a jQuery plugin - jQpopup - that operates on the following HTML

<li><input id="open_btn" class="stdbtn" type="button" value="Answer" />
What is the answer to my question?</li>
<div style="display: none;" title="Answer to my question">
<p>This is the answer</p>

When however this is inserted into an editable area the editor respects the CSS command
style="display: none;"
and does not show the text "This is the answer" which means that the client must go into HTML to make any changes and in the case of my client he does not want to do this.

The solution for this is to change
style="display: none;"
<div id="somediv">
and place
#somediv {display: none;}
in a CSS file. This works fine for the default.php/index page. In the other pages, however, specifically the FAQs page,which is based on FAQs.php this will not work for browsers other than Firefox. The text "This is the answer" will appear in the text editor but will not be shown by IE6 - IE9 and Google Chrome.

Is it possible to identify and amend what Concrete5 is doing to the pages other than default.php that the IE browsers dislike about the
display: none;
in a CSS file?

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
It may have to do with the way browsers cache css (maybe chrome and IE are "remembering" that the div has the hidden style, whereas Firefox is not). Might also be due to the input type="button" thing -- I don't think that' valid HTML (I think it's just <button ...>, not <input type="button"...)