Auto Nav and User Content Directories

Ok so this may seem off the wall but i think it is a functional expectation.

I have a page type for "Personal Pages" in my site, the idea is that All Users will have a "home page" inheriting from this Page Type and be able to control it and all pages beneath it.

I am adding a standard autonav menu block to the page type.
I would like for this auto nav block to display all pages beneath a users top level personal page, to any depth.

Does this require a page type for each user?
I can see how if each user had a page type then you could set the auto nav block options to display all pages beneath a specific node, and then setup that block on child pages. But that is unwieldy for an arbitrary number of users.

What I would like is for the "Personal Page" page type to be the type for all user pages, and for it to have an auto nav block that is setup on all of it's child pages that displays all sub-pages beneath it's top level based on context. Kind of like the option for autonav block: current level, except current level would be the original node location of the block.

Sorry if this isn't very clear, it's difficult for me to explain.

Again, my intent is to have a personal area of the site for individual users, who's pages all inherit from a single type, and who have navigation menus contextual to the user and their sub content built automatically, without the user having to add the block to their pages themselves.

As in, "everything under here is mine and my nav block on all of these pages is always showing ONLY ALL of MY content."

Can I achieve this without users adding their own nav block and without having a different Page Type for each user?