Auto Nav Help

I am very new to concrete 5 and know the bare basics of php. I want to customize the colors of the auto nav without changing all of the page styles. What I have done is create a new nav template in the root/blocks/autonav/templates/mystyle folder and add a css file to that. The problem is those styles override my entire site css files. How do I change what style the nav pulls in the php? Thank you in advanced for your help?


adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you copy the view.php and view.css from the core AutoNav block? If you did you can pretty easily find the correct style in view.css. If I remember correct I think it is ul.nav or ul.nav-header (but check the files). If it is you could set it as follows:
ul.nav a {color:red;}
ul.nav-header a {color:red;}

If you have created your own view.php and view.css, then make sure you use unique class names, and you should be able to style it any way you like.

This how-to will give you some pointers to some basic web stuff:

To find out how to create custom templates/views (but I guess you have seen this already since you have put your template in the right directory):

And to find out which divs are holding which classes, and a lot of other useful things, read up on developer console at the end of this how-to:
mfrank2323 replied on at Permalink Reply
There is no css in the core auto nav. I am using the breadcrumb template which is pulling in the css info from Typography.css How do I change the nav style so it reads my custom attributes?
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
You can find out what classes is used (through the developer console) and add them to your own view.css in your tempmlates folder. Just make sure you add !important at the end of your styles.

ul.nav a {color:red !important; text-decoration:none !important;}

Or you can add your own classes to the unordered list and apply styles.

I don't have access to any installation at the moment, so I can't give you more info than this. Have a look at this how to for the classes used in the auto-nav and also how to get started on building your own: