Auto Nav - Horizontal Menu
I'm using the Earthtones theme for my website and when I loaded the theme a strange thing happened. Some of my pages have a horizontal Auto Nav menu and some have a vertical Auto Nav menu. I want them all horizontal but I don't know how to do that. Can I get some help with this please. I think I've found the file I need to change but I don't know how to go about making the necessary changes. Thanks.
Check out the site:
You can see this page has the horizontal but if you click on Privacy Policy it goes to a vertical menu.
Check out the site:
You can see this page has the horizontal but if you click on Privacy Policy it goes to a vertical menu.

so, how did you fix your problem?
can you post a screen shot of your problem?
I am having the same problem. Haven't been able to figure out out to make it horizontal and aligning to the right. If anyone has figured this out, please post.
I broke my autonav on my main page (was horizontal format, then only vertical was possible), and couldn't get it back to horizontal either. I ended up copying another autonav from another page (that was still horizontal) to the scrapbook and then deleted the vertical formatted version and pasted in the replacement from the scrapbook. I think this is a bug, or hidden 'feature' of the default themes. There isn't a 'horizontal / vertical option, and no custom CSS that I can detect in the default themes to make the text horizontal, but there it is.
In edit mode, click on the auto-nav section, and instead of clicking "edit," click on "custom template," then choose "Header Menu." I hope this works.
While running 5.5.2, this totally worked. Thanks.
While running 5.5.2, this totally worked. Thanks.
Click on the block go to custom design and give it a CSS id.
then stick something like...
#navlist li
display: inline;
list-style-type: none;
padding-right: 20px;
in the main css file
then stick something like...
#navlist li
display: inline;
list-style-type: none;
padding-right: 20px;
in the main css file