Auto-nav not updated after sitemap edits

New to Concrete5. I have created a sub-page (level 2) of Home, then a sub-page (level 3), then a sub-page (level 4). Then I realized the level 4 really needed to be a level 3, so I mover it under the level 2 page in the sitemap.

All is now cool in the sitemap, but the auto-nav ONLY shows pages that were created as level 3, NOT the pages that were created as level 4 and then moved to level 3.

Here is the sitemap:
- Solution
  - Item 1 (created under Solution)
  - Item 2 (created under Item 1, then moved)
  - Item 3 (created under Solution)
  - Item 4 (created under Item 3, then moved)
  - Item 5 (created under Item 3, then moved)
  - Item 6 (created under Solutions)

And here is my Auto-Nav:
- Solution
  - Item 1
  - Item 3
  - Item 6

I initially created the site in 5.5, then updated to 5.5.1 and redid the move around in the sitemap - same results.

Is this a bug / known issue? Any workaround available?
PS. I feel confortable digging into the code or database if needed.

nganivet replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
FIXED - I had not 'Published my Edits', ie. created the page, realized my mistake and clicked straight on the dashboard/sitemap icon to rearrange w/o saving beforehand.

Now I feel stupid BUT ... maybe there should be an indication in the sitemap that the page is not published yet (ie. different icon, or grayed page title)?